About Caroline

Caroline is a…
Energy Medicine Practitioner & Teacher;
Sound Healer & Channel;
Ceremonialist, Medicine Woman & Wisdom Keeper...

I am here to help you unlock and integrate the gifts that already live inside you. I help people, like you, develop the skills, energy medicine and magic practices to feel deeply grounded and more at home in your body, in this world, and to feel connected to the Earth as a living Being. Feeling all of this while accessing the magic that exists Beyond. I point people back to the themselves, remind them all is within, and help them discover and embody their wild beauty and unbidden power.

I have devoted my life and my gifts
to the awakening of an embodied humanity.
I am here to walk with you through your journey of remembering your soul, embodying your essence, reclaiming your wild and reverent nature, alchemizing your pain into your gifts, and truly coming home to your Self. The Priestess, Magi, Shaman, Mystic and Wisdom Keeper you know is within.
I have spent close to two decades as an avid student and explorer of esoteric wisdom and healing, consciousness studies, shamanic practices, yogic and eastern philosophies and Divine Feminine embodiment.
My mission and soul is purpose is being a midwife of evolutionary consciousness
holding space as you reclaim and remember your own Divine Sovereignty
as we create and birth together a new collective reality on Earth;
one that is anchored in Love, Wisdom, and Inclusive Divine Power.

Whether you desire to transform outdated beliefs,
heal ancient heart wounds or clear ancestral patterns -
I am here for you.
If you know it is time to deepen, expand, & embody your power -
I am here for you.
My Story
As a child…
I had seizures as a child and in these episodes – in my light body – I would float above my form, watch my mother and sister help my small body shaking and see the energetic cords that attach my spirit to my body as well as my mom and sisters light bodies and the guides around me. I felt expansive, spacious, and I felt free. I believe these episodes opened me up at a very young age, leading me to hear and see spirits in other realms as I grew. My clairvoyance and clairaudience has always been a natural thing for me, through growing up in a very conservative family I learned to keep these things quiet and retreat into myself.
Fast forward many years later…
I received Alex Grey’s Sacred Mirrors in 1997. This work of art peered into my own internal reality and experiences I had as a child. I started to open again and realize I may not be what mainstream western culture labeled “crazy” or if I was, I had good company.
In 1998 I started practicing yoga and meditation regularly, studying chakras, energy Bio-field, and alternative health with intense dedication. I have studied, trained and mentored all over the country with master teachers and healers, shamans and priestesses, famous yogis, unknown cosmic misfits, mystics, pioneers in mindfulness somatic psychology, medium and psychic gurus, and have mad many pilgrimages to sacred sites nationally and internationally. I devoted myself to know my Soul and the Divine, and then later, to know them as One.
My Soul Path…
Being in the healing, vibrational, and magical arts was not something I ever sat down and thought, “I want to become a ___.” In fact, I tried multiple times to go and do something else. As many know, this path is not for the faint of heart. That is true. But my Soul Path is my Soul’s path, as is yours.
The certifications and trainings have shaped and guided my abilities in healing and inner sight. My personal life experience has offered me the most precious training of all. Life has humbled me and surprised me with awe. It has taught me about fierce love and pain, to always listen to the quiet inner voice of my intuition, to have faith in the human heart, in finding love and healing in the most harrowing of experiences.
I have gone through many powerful initiations over the years, including but not limited to: the loss of a marriage, the death of my son, multiple near-death experiences of my own life and body, and loss of health. These periods of life taught me the importance and brutality of the dark nights of one’s soul. Life can feel tragic, it can feel immense. And even when it feels impossible, especially when it feels impossible, there can be a flicker of recognition, a moment of remembering the love and grace that is all around and within.

As Above, so below.
I also continue to live and experience expanded states of consciousness, work in the realm of light, miracles, and synchronicity which is all around us, all the time. I have been brought to my knees with tears of gratitude as much as I have with suffering and at times, at the most mundane occurrences.
As Above, so below.
Above all of the experiences, trainings, tool, magic ritual practices and so much more which I have gathered on my journey, was first and foremost to heal my own traumas and wounds and to remember myself as the Divine Embodied Being. For myself to be able to connect authentically with others, the world, Mother Gaia, and all beings as the mirror of the Divine. My intention has been to leave no crevasses in any of my multi-dimensional being left Unexplored. I would not be where I am without all the tools and magic and ritual and ceremony and connection to my guides, Mother Gaia and my Soul. I am eternally grateful to all those that have walked before me in the seen and unseen realms.
I love what I do.
With deep listening I am able to meet you where you are at in the moment and with a full toolbox to carefully and skilfully craft what is needed specifically and uniquely for you.
Whether it is a one-on-one session, working with a group of 25, 100 or 250 souls,
an online course, workshop, or mentorship,
I am in awe, always, of the process of transformation and the courage it takes
to allow that which already exist within you to arise.

Technical/Traditional Bio:
Caroline has certifications in:
Massage Therapy, Structural Integration
Yoga teacher in the Kundalini and Hatha Yoga traditions
15 years Esorteric Energy Healing Advanced practitioner and teacher
Shamanic Soul Retrieval
Sound Healer from Tom Kenyon
Reiki, and Polarity Energy Balancing
Completed Level 1 Hakomi, a somatic mindfulness based psychotherapy training
2 year intensive Clairvoyant Psychic program
3 years (+ ongoing) initiate and advanced apprenticeship in the Andean Shamanic traditions of Peru and the path of the First Shaman
Mentorship in Neurolinguist Programing
Years study of Non-Violent Communication
Mediumship training and certification at Omega Institute
Taoist Stone Medicine practitioner
She is a Priestess and Ancient Wisdom Guide, and an initiate of the Magdalene Order
Caroline has private practice in Asheville, North Carolina, USA in addition to working remotely with people all over the world. She is available to work one-on-one, holds retreats, and teaches workshops online, nationally and internationally. She also facilitates sacred circles and ceremonies.