Autumn Invocation
This past weekend, we sat around a fire in the morning and had our coffee while the pets played outside. I needed a sweatshirt. A grey sky and a light wind was summing the approaching autumn. I especially love the turn of this season, which says it is time to pause, gather, and evaluate.
Mabon, or autumn equinox, asks us to turn our gaze from the outward pull of summer invitations to the inner space of letting go and longer dark nights. It is a time of fires and hot cider—sweaters, stories, and early-to-bed times.
It is the time of the out-breath, the guardian of the sacred West and its beloved setting sun. It is a time to reflect and gather, but it also asks us to leave behind what is unnecessary for the journey into the dark side of the year.
This is a time of the Witch, the Wise one, the Queen of the hearth.
The equinoxes, spring, and autumn, call for balance in a world so radically out of balance with the Natural cycles of life. We are invited to notice what Nature offers us through this reflection of equal day and night, equal giving and receiving, and equal light and dark.
Can we feel grateful for the insights and bounty received?
Can we feel equally thankful for the lessons and fires we have been walking through?
In this particular autumn equinox, we are in an eclipse portal that brings initiation and transformation.
The actual Mabon Equinox sits between the full moon partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17th, and the new moon Solar eclipse in Libra on October 2nd.
This is an opportunity to stay grounded.
Ask yourself, what can I do to create more balance in my life? What parts of my life need extra care, especially with this wild ride of cosmic energies going on for the next few weeks and more?
How can your inner Witch and Queen be of service to you right now? And, have you been listening to them?
I have recorded a Frequency healing to nourish and ground you during this time. Here is the link to find it on Youtube.
Let me know your experience in the comments on Youtube!
With Love and Devotion,
xo Caroline